Getting fresh produce. From farm. To fork.
Buy fresh fruits & Vegetables for your businesses.
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How TerraLima Works
Order Generated
We aggregate & secure demand from businesses
On-demand Harvesting
The fresh produce is harvested & delivered to our nearest drop-off point
Collection, Delivery
The produce is packaged and delivered in less than 24 hours
Why use TerraLima?
Our mission is to increase the income of farmers by streamlining the agricultural supply chain. Terralima helps farmers access extension services, financial services and fair produce prices.
For Farmers
Fair Minimun Guaranteed Price Offer
Farmers unable to get fair price due to lack of visibility on market demand
Waste Reduction
30 - 40% Post-harvest loss due to lack of effiecient storage and transporation.
Prevent Food Adulteration
Inefficiences within the supply chain lead to dangerous levels of chemicals applied to the produce along the intermediary chain.
For Businesses
Support Local Farmers
Unlike buying from the local market, you know exactly where your produce is grown.
Assured Quality
Products on average reach consumers 2-3 days after harvest, leading to quality and freshness degradation.
Prices hiked on 50 -150% on average, making it very expensive to procure.
Buy Now, Pay Later
Enjoy your purchase now and pay the rest over 2 weeks.
Meet Our Partners
Meet the farmers
Food Safety
At Terralima, we are committed to helping ensure that your food will always be safe to eat. Our trusted network of farmers are trained by our extension agents. Very strict measures are taken to prevent microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables as they are produced, packed, handled and stored. During harvesting and collection, we quality check the produce at the drop-off points to ensure they meet healthy standards. All packages are tagged to ensure traceability right from the farm to delivery.
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